Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blog # 13: Lesson 2 Reflection

Title: Lesson 2 Reflection
1. What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 presentation and why?
  • I am proud of the fact that I hardly stuttered and new my work well because in the beginning of the year I had a lot of trouble presenting and I think over time I will get better.
2.   A) What assessment would you give yourself on your lesson 2 presentation(self-assessment)?
  • I would give myself a AP to a P to myself because of the effort I put into the presentation and how well I knew I'm information. I know that I didn't quite make it to the 20 minute mark but I'm glad I had enough information to talk for ten minutes. Plus I had some visuals in my presentation and also had  a poster stating my Essential Question.
3. What worked for you in Lesson 2?
  • what worked for me in this lesson was I was able to memorize information, I was able to not read off of the PowerPoint to much and I was able to get my message across about publishing.
4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?
  • What didn't work for my lesson was that I didn't have a clear answer to my essential question and the students didn't really pay attention during the activity. If I had a time machine I would have made the activity a little more riveting for the students so they would pay more attention.
5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?
  • I think my answer #2 will be consumers preference to electronic books has most changed the publishing industry by creating big problems for small companies.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Blog #12: Mentorship 10 hours check


1.   Where are you doing your mentorship?

  • Poly Post
2.   Who is your contact?

  • Salina Nasir, Editor-in-Chief of the poly post
3.   How many total hours have you done (total hours should be reflected in your mentorship log located on the right hand side of your blog like your WB)?

  • my total hours is 10 hours
4.   Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.

  • The ten hours I put in at the poly post were me reading the newspaper and going over articles to see if anything was misspelled or a mistake and I also edited some of the articles.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Blog #11: Holiday Project Update

1.  It is important to consistently work on your senior project, whether it is break or we are in school.  What did you do over the break with your senior project?
  • Over break for my project I looked up articles to help me prepare for our next lesson. 
2.  What was the most important thing you learned from what you did, and why?  What was the source of what you learned?
  • The most important thing I learned was where to find really good and informative articles on any topic that is researchable. this was important because it will give me more information on my topic. The source of what I learned is where exactly to find the information. 
3.  If you were going to do a 10 question interview on questions related to answers for your EQ, who would you talk to and why?
  • I would talk to an author or someone who knows a lot about publishing because they would have the most informative answers and may help me achieve my goal of another EQ answer.