Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Blog #23: final lesson reflection

Title: Blog 23:  Senior Project Reflection
Label: Presentation
Directions: Please answer the following questions, and submit them to the blog.
Due Date: The day after your block presentation by 8:00 A.M.

(1) Positive Statement

What are you most proud of in your block presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
  • I am most proud of the fact that I could clearly explain all three of my answers and I kept my peers interested in my topic.

(2) Questions to Consider

a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your block presentation (self-assessment)?

AE       P          AP       CR       NC

b.     What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)?

AE       P          AP       CR       NC

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?

  • I knew my information and the kids were actually answering my questions.

(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?
  • what didn't work was my timing and how fast I started to talk towards the end of my presentation. I should have slowed down and talked more slowly.
(5) Finding Value

How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?   Be specific and use examples.

  • senior project has been a great help to me with thinking about my future endeavors because it made me become better at researching a topic and also helped me be a better writer. for example I can use different  websites to get noticed and hopefully get my stories published. This project has also made me realize what its like to publish electronically and let me into the secrets of writing and publishing a book.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blog #22: Mentorship

LIA Response to blog:
·     Log of specific hours with a total and a description of your duties updated on the right hand side of your blog
·     Marie Burna email: phone: (909)861-4715
     What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
  • The most important experience that I have had at my mentorship would be my my work. I have been doing the powerpoint presentations and also I've been helping with the leader guides. theses two jobs are important because people depend on my to help them and get the work done and to have it in on time.
     How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ?  Please explain.
  • This has helped me answer my essential question because it has shown me how much we have used technology in recent years and how much we depend on it. This project altogether has made me more aware of how much I use the internet for reading writing and other things.
Grading Criteria (May 13th)
  • 50 hours completed (50 from the academic year)
  • LIA response (submitted to your blog)
  • Essential question connection

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Blog 21: Exit interviews

Title:  Exit Interview
Label:  Exit Interview
Due Date:  Thursday, May 7th by 8AM


(1) What is your essential question, and what are your answers?  What is your best answer and why?
  •  My essential question is how has consumers preference for electronic books most changed the publishing industry. My first answer is consumers preference for electronic books has made authors more inclined to publish online because of how easy it is and the royalties they receive. My second answer is consumers preference for electronic book has made authors want to publish electronically because of the amount of people who access to the online world. and my third and final answer is Consumers preference for electronic books has made authors more inclined to publish electronically because it proves to be more efficient and less time consuming for consumers. My best answer would be answer number two because I feel that it gives you the sense of how technology has really changed. Over the last century technology has taken over and the times are changing.
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
  • My process for arriving at this answer is simple, I found research all leading to the same outcome. Many people in this day and age have access to the online world in many different ways. For example Our phones that used to be very dinky and now they are technological and called smart phones and they are connected to the internet through data and 
(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?
  • Some Problems that I faced while finding out which is my best answer and through out this project is the material. I found that The material I was using was starting to repeat itself and so I needed to dig even deeper than before for more information pertaining to my topic.
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
  • The two most significant sources to finding my best answer to my essential question is an article called Growing Devices and another called publishing over the next decade. Both of these articles told me a lot, including, how the new expanse of technology and the online world has given publishers a new view on publishing. They also enhance the struggles and success of having their work online.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Blog 20: Monthly Blog

For this month I have been working tirelessly on my senior project. I have learned that a lot of time and effort needs to be put into senior project and in my mentorship. Mostly what I have been doing for my senior project is doing my mentorship and doing lots of reading of articles and books that will help me in the future and for my presentation coming up this year. I learned that everything that I am working on is going to help better prepare myself for what lies ahead. 

With my mentorship I have been working tirelessly on getting my hours up from my mentorship and working on getting something published. I also have been working with a book called Don't Forget to Write! 

this book has helped me shape my senior project presentation and gave me some wonderful ideas on activities needed. It also had great information on writing and what to do when stuck in a rut.  I used this book and one called Print is Dead as examples in my research and presentation.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blog 19: Independent component 2


(a) “I, Sarah Regan, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 35 hours of work.”(b) was one really good source as well as a book by the author of Megan Keneally. (c) With this component I learned how to really work on writing and edit my work and also learned how the online publishing process works.     INTERPRETIVE 

Defend your work and explain the component's significance and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   

I chose to write a short story and publish it online to get the experience of publishing something online and getting feed back from the readers. This component is significant because my topic is on publishing and what electronic publishing really means to the consumer and so I took that into consideration and decided to do something electronically to get and inside few to the publishing world online. It demonstrates 30 hours of work because a lot of time went into planning how the story will go and then it took about 12- 14 hours of writing to actually went into this project and also the editing itself took up a lot of time and energy. of course all of this was done electronically and was very interesting to actually see happen. 


How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped. This component helped me answer my essential question because it had me really try and work on something to get it published. I published electronically to get a feel for the publishing world online but also to help me understand who would be able to see my work. after I published this short story I got a few comments on it that I thought were kind of inspiring and it gave me a sense of how quickly you can accomplish something while publishing online.

This comment was given 4 hours after I had published my work and I thought it was inspiring.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Monthly Blog: March

For this month I have been working for a new mentor and also having some fun learning how to create things with different programs. This mentorship has given me a chance to feel what its like to work on something and then have it published for everyone to see. It gave me an opportunity to really get into the world of preparing and publishing a work and then having responses given back to me.

this is a picture of one slide that I have done in a power point that was used in my mentorship.

this picture represents part of a weekly bulletin that I help create and send out at my mentorship.

Blog #15: Independent component 2

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
  • For this component I will be writing a short story and i will be publishing it online. This story and publishing will teach me how fast you are able to publish electronically and how long the process of writing and editing is. 
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
  • I will take pictures and have snippets of my writing that shows that I have officially accomplished 30 hours of  my component.
3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.
  • This component gives me the ability to explore my topic because it gives me a chance to work on something to publish. Do some editorial publishing and also give me a chance to do something in the field of electronic publishing itself. This will have a great effect on my senior project presentation be cause i will be able to use some of the information I find on publishing electronically to help explain my project better.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog 18: Interview 4 prep


  1. How do you keep people focus on the task at hand when dealing with getting stuff in on deadlines?
  2. Can it be possible that you have to do things on your own because you cannot depend on someone?
  3. How does it feel when you are working on something that has a very close deadline and you are just lacking the energy to keep working?
  4. Have you ever missed a deadline? what has happened?
  5. Is it hard to have many people work under you and help you get things done on time? explain.
  6. Tell me about a time when you had a deadline and had to do the work and you nearly missed a deadline.
  7. How do you feel when people underneath you don't get things done?
  8. How has technology changed the way you produce your work?
  9. Has technology made it harder for you to get things done? Explain.
  10. What happens when technology fails?
  11. Can you think of a time when you weren't using technology? Tell me more about it.
  12. How did you come up with using technology to publish things?
  13. Is it hard having technology rule the publishing industry?
  14.  Do you feel like the publishing industry is going under because of technology?
  15. Can you tell me how technology has taken over some of your life?
  16. Do you read books on your phone or in print? Why?
  17. Do you believe that the publishing industry will get better later on in the future due to technology?
  18. Does technology make you more inclined to use it because of all the less stress?
  19. how is publishing on technology like?
  20. DO you wish the publishing industry had stayed away from technology? Explain.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog #17: Answer 3

  1. EQ 
    1. How has consumers preference for electronic books most changed the publishing industry?
  2. Answer #3 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*
    1. By proving to more efficient and less time consuming for consumers.
  3. 3 details to support the answer (a detail is a fact and an example)
    1. A lot more people are now too busy to go to a library and pick up a book.
    2. People want to stress less and have more access to books they need whenever it is convenient.
    3. More or less all people kids or adults are now starting to have less free time and are still wanting to read.
  4. The research source (s) to support your details and answer
    1. Print is dead 
    2. the publishing industry and careers in it.
  5. Concluding Sentence
    1. I chose this as my third and final answer because I found through all my research that it is simply the consumers want easy, unstressful, and manageable ways to read a book.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Monthly Blog

So this month has been a crazy ride. so far I have learned quite a few things, first we had to come up with our second answer to our senior project which was quite confusing and had me stumped but with the help of my mom,who is the person I interviewed, i learned a great deal. First I found that my mom knew so much on publishing and had quite a few tips like:

  1.  reread all your work
  2. Make sure that you get the right publisher according to your genre
  3. have fun writing your book
my mom is the author of a textbook.

she spent a lot of time on her book and helped me through my thought process and she will also be helping me finish my book that I am writing. she is someone to definitely look up to being in the future because she has accomplished so much. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blog #16: Answer #2

1.  What is your EQ?

  • how has consumers preference for electronic books most changed the publishing industry?
2.  What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)

  • consumes preference has made authors more inclined to publish electronically because of the easy way to publish and the royalties they are given.
3.  What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)

  • Authors choose to publish electronically because of the wide spread amount of people who have access to the online world.
4.  List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.

  • Most people have smart phones an that is an easy way to access electronically published books.
  • People now have computers and there are many websites available to them.
  • last but not least a lot of people are on the go and I'm pretty sure they don't want to lug around books so it would be easier for them to access the books with just one thing.
5.  What printed source best supports your answer?

  • print is dead. by Jeff Gomez
6.  What other source supports your answer?

  • Coker, Mark. "2014 Book Publishing Industry Predictions -- Increased Competition Between Traditional Publishers and Indie Authors." The Huffington Post., 07 Jan. 2014. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
7.  Tie this together with a  concluding thought.

  • through the many years publishers have been trying to keep up with the demand for books and find new innovative ways to get readers the books. Now with electronic publishing publishers have that chance.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blog 14: Indépendant Component

Title:  Independent Component 1
Label:  Independent ComponentDue Date:  Friday 2/6 at 8AMContent:  
  • (a) Write: “I, Sarah Regan, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours of work.”
  • (b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.
    • My mom helped me more than anything during my endeavor for answers in my senior project. She motivated me over and over again. 

  • (d) Explain what you completed.    
    • During my time for this independent component I have finished a class on research and also wrote a first draft of a book I want to get published. 
  • Defend your work and explain its significance to your project and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.  
      • My work helps with my senior project because it gives me a chance to feel like a real researcher and publisher. I have only read about publishing and now I'm going to try and get my new story published and go through the publishing process.
  • How did the component help you understand the foundation of your topic better?  Please include specific examples to illustrate this. 
    • The project helped me understand the foundation of my topic better by giving me a chance to feel how a researching publisher feels. I do a lot of researching when it comes to writing the story I have. I wrote a story about something I'm passionate about and now I'm ready to try and publish the book. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blog # 13: Lesson 2 Reflection

Title: Lesson 2 Reflection
1. What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 presentation and why?
  • I am proud of the fact that I hardly stuttered and new my work well because in the beginning of the year I had a lot of trouble presenting and I think over time I will get better.
2.   A) What assessment would you give yourself on your lesson 2 presentation(self-assessment)?
  • I would give myself a AP to a P to myself because of the effort I put into the presentation and how well I knew I'm information. I know that I didn't quite make it to the 20 minute mark but I'm glad I had enough information to talk for ten minutes. Plus I had some visuals in my presentation and also had  a poster stating my Essential Question.
3. What worked for you in Lesson 2?
  • what worked for me in this lesson was I was able to memorize information, I was able to not read off of the PowerPoint to much and I was able to get my message across about publishing.
4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?
  • What didn't work for my lesson was that I didn't have a clear answer to my essential question and the students didn't really pay attention during the activity. If I had a time machine I would have made the activity a little more riveting for the students so they would pay more attention.
5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?
  • I think my answer #2 will be consumers preference to electronic books has most changed the publishing industry by creating big problems for small companies.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Blog #12: Mentorship 10 hours check


1.   Where are you doing your mentorship?

  • Poly Post
2.   Who is your contact?

  • Salina Nasir, Editor-in-Chief of the poly post
3.   How many total hours have you done (total hours should be reflected in your mentorship log located on the right hand side of your blog like your WB)?

  • my total hours is 10 hours
4.   Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.

  • The ten hours I put in at the poly post were me reading the newspaper and going over articles to see if anything was misspelled or a mistake and I also edited some of the articles.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Blog #11: Holiday Project Update

1.  It is important to consistently work on your senior project, whether it is break or we are in school.  What did you do over the break with your senior project?
  • Over break for my project I looked up articles to help me prepare for our next lesson. 
2.  What was the most important thing you learned from what you did, and why?  What was the source of what you learned?
  • The most important thing I learned was where to find really good and informative articles on any topic that is researchable. this was important because it will give me more information on my topic. The source of what I learned is where exactly to find the information. 
3.  If you were going to do a 10 question interview on questions related to answers for your EQ, who would you talk to and why?
  • I would talk to an author or someone who knows a lot about publishing because they would have the most informative answers and may help me achieve my goal of another EQ answer.